Please read and understand our Privacy Policy before using the website "" operated by WOI PHOENIX, establish by HeutorConnect.
This Policy establishes the processing features of data from users of Services provided by WOI PHOENIX
This document ( is – « The policy » ) is an integral part of the User Agreement.
When downloading, installing, registering, gaining access and any other way to use the Services and/or Games You fully accept the terms of this Policy and express your specific consent to the processing of your data in a way and for purposes as described in this document. If you do not agree with this Policy, please refuse to download, install and any other use of the Services and the Games.
The web administrator has the right to change and / or supplement this Policy from time to time without prior written notification of users. You need to familiarize yourself with this Policy every three calendar days for changes and / or additions made to it. If you continue to use the Game after the amendment of this document, you confirm your agreement with the new version of the Policy.
1. User Data Processing Objectives
Data is provided by users in connection with the conclusion with the Administration of the User Agreement.
In addition, data can be provided by users at the request of the Administration in connection with the execution of concluded agreements.
Cases of user data ( no limit ):
- When creating an account on the WOI PHOENIX website and managing it;
- When participating in testing additional game services, new versions and / or updates of the ( Game, if applicable );
- With participation in in-game bents, competitions and other similar events;
- When accessing the Service / Game using the identifiers you use to gain access to third-party resources ( for example, login or user ID, used on social networks ) or invitations of other users to participate in the Game;
- When sending requests, letters or making other types of contacts with the Administration;
- When using additional, special services inside the Game.
Your data is processed for the following purposes ( not limited to ):
- Providing the ability to create and subsequent use and manage a user account;
- Participation in the Game and access to the game services provided for by the Game scenario;
- Engaging with other users;
- Error correction, modification of Services / Games, development of new game opportunities and services;
- Interaction with users to receive comments on Services / Games, to support the Game; sending notifications and other important messages regarding Services / Games;
- Analysis of the effectiveness of Services / Games and other related game services;
- Acceptance, processing and verification of payments;
- Providing technical support;
- Informing about future events related to the Service, Games, their updates and other similar events.
2. User data collected and processed by the Administration.
The data that the Administration collects and processes in connection with your use of the Services and participation in the Game may include ( not limited to ): name, nickname ( including the character nickname ), user ID on third-party resources ( login or user ID ), email address, gender, date of birth, phone number, country of residence, information about your friends' list on social networks ( if applicable ), payment information, etc.
You are hereby aware and understand that in case of access to the Service and the Game using your account on social networks, the data contained in your profile, for example, but not limited to: name, a photograph or other image used as an avatar, ID number in a given social network, email address, language and other information, etc., become available to the Administration and may be processed by the Administration in the manner prescribed by this Policy. In addition, in this case, this data may be available for viewing by other users of the Services and Games.
3. Other data that the Administration collects and processes.
In order to provide quality services, the Administration collects and processes additional non-individual data. These data include: a unique user device identifier and parameters of the software used, the name and version of the operating system, device type and hardware identifiers, time zone, information about the user's actions on the Service and in the Game ( gaming, action logs on the Service, intragaming achievements, time spent in the Game, time of the last entrance to the Game, information about the entrances to the Game, etc. ).
In addition, the Administration may collect information about your IP address and information about the geographical location of the device from which access to the Service and the Game is made in order to provide you with services and information, available for the respective territory in which you are located.
4. Use. Dissemination and transmission of data.
The administration can combine ( merge, merge ) and use the combined user data with other information ( including other data that the Administration collects, as defined in section 4 of this Policy ) to ensure, management and development of the game.
The administration does not sell your data to third parties.
In addition, your data may be provided to third parties in the following cases:
- When necessary in order to comply with the law, for example, investigating cases of fraud in making payments and carrying out any other illegal activity;
- When there are reasonable suspicions of a potential or existing violation of the rights of the Administration, in order to protect the rights of the injured party.
5. Data storage.
The data storage period is the period during which the Service and related game services ( are provided for the longest term ).
6. Donation Policy
All donation is a collective non-profit fund that is channeled through this website to provide the Services.
Donation provide the users the method and gateway of funding the hosting for self-sustaining and upkeeping of hosting fees and further related upgrades and updates of Services.
Each donation made is to be required use of registered user account. Upon donation submission, you reaffirm your consent fully to all terms and polcies established in the Website.
Thereafter, all donation are freewill, non-refundable and non-subject to tax.
7. Other obligations of the parties.
The user is responsible for the completeness and reliability of the data provided to him. If there are inconsistencies and / or incorrectness in the data provided by you, they should be changed, including by contacting the specialists of the Administration, as indicated in the Contacts section.
The administration reserves the right to delete and / or change user data, to store the data that is necessary for compliance with applicable law, to ensure the safety and efficiency of the Services and the Games.
8. Contacts
Communication with authorized representatives of the administration is carried out through the support: [email protected]